Navi Mumbai: In the last week, around 103959 citizens have been screened in a door-to-door screening activity in the city. During the screening 37841 houses in Navi Mumbai were visited in Chinchpada Airoli (Sector 1 to 9), Rabadegaon, Sector 12 Khairane-Bonkodegaon, Sector 19 Koparkhairanegaon, Sector 11 Juhugaon Vashi, Vashigaon, Turbhe Store, Sector 21 Turbhe, Sector 22 Turbhegaon, Karavegaon, Diwalegaon and CBD Belapur.
Apart from the screening for Covid-19, people with existing medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, cancer, kidney disorders and other chronic diseases were screened and details were recorded separately.
Last Updated on July 8, 2020 by Staff Reporter