Uran / Navi Mumbai: Activists in and around the city have been rejoicing in the state mangrove protection committee’s order to halt construction activity on the 165-acre Bhendkal wetland, in Uran. Also the Maharashtra state regulator has demanded immediate removal of debris from the creek area, a former part of the Navi Mumbai Special Economic Zone (NMSEZ).
On top of that, the Konkan Wetland Grievance Redressal Committee has directed the City and Industrial Development Corporation of Maharashtra (CIDCO) to protect the wetland and mangroves at Panje, the site of recent debris bumping and landfill.
Activists claim that Reliance is developing 4000 acres in Uran for the NMSEZ and hence there has been a rise in destruction of mangroves and wetlands in Pagote, Bhendkhal and Panje.
Last Updated on January 9, 2020 by Staff Reporter