Navi Mumbai: Erratic power supply has been causing issues in the daily lives of many residents living in the Panvel, Kamothe, Taloja, Uran, Ghansoli, Koparkhairane, Airoli and Digha. Residents complain that it has been going on since the last five days on a regular basis.
The power outages have led to many issues like water supply and long internet downtimes.
Many people working from home have been having a hard time to complete daily office work on time owing to interrupted internet service in all the nodes facing the power cuts.
However, the MSEDCL has informed that they are trying their best to restore their system that took a beating at the hands of the cyclone, with several poles being uprooted and wires ripped at many places around the said nodes.
Last Updated on June 8, 2020 by Staff Reporter