Navi Mumbai: Yes, you read it right! Rs 150 is all that contables deployed on poll duty in the city may be getting in the Thane and Maval Lok Sabha polls. The elections held in the Pune constituency had already seen as low as Rs 300 paid for two days of polling duty.
Surprisinlgy, peons of the revenue department entrusted with the same job were being paid a little above Rs 1000. However, constabels, who just have to carry the EVMs to the polling stations, have to be on duty for the entire day till past midnight.
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Anil Pawar, Thane district additional collector, informed that the allowances were as per the policy of the Election Commission of India and that the district election officer gave allowances to the police as per their rank and job responsibilities.
A police constable’s wages for the Thane Lok Sabha polls would be Rs 150 for pre-poll duty on April 28 and another Rs 150 for food. The same amount would be paid on the 29th too except for the money for food as food shall be provided. That amounts to Rs 450 in all.
Last Updated on May 1, 2019 by Staff Reporter