Navi Mumbai witnessed a historic moment on Friday as an Indian Air Force C-295 aircraft successfully completed the first landing at the newly constructed international airport. The trial landing, witnessed by Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, and other dignitaries, signifies a crucial step towards the airport’s imminent operationalisation.
The aircraft touched down on the newly completed 3,700-metre runway, showcasing the progress made in the airport’s development. With 75% of the terminal building already constructed, officials are confident that the airport will be ready to welcome domestic flights by March 2025, with international services expected to commence shortly thereafter.
The state-of-the-art airport, spread across a vast 1,200 hectares, is designed to accommodate a significant passenger volume and cargo capacity. Once fully operational, it will serve as a major gateway for air travel in the region, connecting Navi Mumbai and its surrounding areas to the rest of the world.
For the residents of Navi Mumbai, the upcoming launch of the airport brings exciting prospects. The increased connectivity will not only boost the local economy but also enhance the quality of life for residents, offering greater ease of travel for both business and leisure purposes.
Last Updated on January 5, 2025 by Staff Reporter