The state of Maharashtra announced its guidelines as the country ushers into Unlock 1.0, with the Maharashtra government extending the lockdown till 30th June with some relaxations in day-to-day activities and businesses

The government of Maharashtra, the most affected state in India, has extended the coronavirus lockdown till 30th June but not before announcing relaxation in day-to-day activities beginning 3rd June in a bid to push their ‘Mission Begin Again’ endeavor, under strict guidelines.
The Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray, shared that the state was attempting to ‘begin again’ with planned easing of restriction with the belief that people would lead by example and make it a successful attempt at restarting things in the time that follows.
However, Thackeray also hinted at the revoking of all relaxations in case people failed to abide by the social distancing norms.
3-Phased Opening in ‘Mission Begin Again’
3rd June Onward:
- Outdoor activities like walking, jogging and cycling
- Electrician, Plumbers, Carpenters etc.
- Garages, workshops
5th June Onward
Markets/Shops – 9 am to 5 pm (odd/even days’ model)
8th June Onward
Private offices to open with 10% strength
Detailed list of services and things that are allowed and not allowed in Maharashtra under ‘Mission Begin Again’
Municipal corporations of MMR Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur and Aurangabad
Services/Things that are allowed:
- Taxi, cab, rickshaw, 4 wheeler, 2 wheeler: Only for essentials
- Movement for medical emergencies
- Medical Clinic, OPD
- Industries
- Urban in-situ construction
- Supply of goods
- Markets/Shops
- Essential Goods, Shops
- E-com essential goods
- E-com non-essential goods
- Liquor Shops
- Private offices (10% strength)
- Govt. Offices (15% or 15, whichever is high)
- Sub Registrar/RTO/Dy. RTO
- Bank & Finance
- Courier & Postal
- Outdoor Activities
- Home Delivery Restaurants
- Electricians, Plumbers etc.
- Garages, Workshops etc.
Services/Things that are not allowed:
- Travel: Air, Train & Metro
- Inter-state road movement
- Inter-district plying of bus
- Intra-district plying of bus
- Educational Institutions
- Hospitality: Hotels
- Places of Worship/Gatherings
- Shopping malls
- Barber Shops, Spas, Salons
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Other areas in Maharashtra
Services/Things that are allowed:
- Taxi, cab, rickshaw 1+2
- 4 wheeler 1+2
- 2 wheeler 1
- Intra-district plying of bus
- Movement for Medical Emergencies
- Medical Clinic, OPD
- Agri Activities
- Industries (Urban)
- Industries (Rural)
- Urban in-situ construction
- Supply of goods
- Markets/Shops
- Essential Goods Shops
- Liquor Shops
- Private offices (10% strength)
- Govt. Offices (15% or 15, whichever is high)
- Sub Registrar/RTO/Dy. RTO
- Bank & Finance
- Courier & Postal
- Outdoor Activities
- Home Delivery Restaurants
- Electricians, Plumbers etc.
- Garages, Workshops etc.
Services/Things that are not allowed:
- Travel: Air, Train & Metro
- Inter-state road movement
- Inter-district plying of bus
- Educational Institutions
- Hospitality: Hotels
- Places of Worship/Gatherings
- Shopping malls
- Barber Shops, Spas, Salons
Containment Zones in Maharashtra
Services/Things that are allowed:
- Movement for Medical Emergencies
- Supply of goods
- Essential Goods Shops
Services/Things that are not allowed:
- Travel: Air rain & Metro
- Inter-state road movement
- Taxi, cab, rickshaw,
- 4 wheeler,
- 2 wheeler
- Inter-district plying of bus
- Intra- district plying of bus
- Educational Institutions
- Hospitality: Hotels
- Medical Clinic, OPD
- Places of Worship, Gatherings
- Agri Activities
- Industries (urban)
- Industries (rural)
- Urban in-situ construction
- Shopping Malls
- Markets/Shops
- E-com essential goods
- E-com non-essential goods
- Liquor Shops
- Barber Shops, Spas & Salons
- Private offices
- Govt. Offices
- Sub Registrar/RTO/Dy. RTO
- Bank & Finance
- Courier & Postal
- Outdoor Activities
- Home Delivery Restaurants
- Electricians, Plumbers etc.
- Garages, Workshops etc.
The Maharashtra state government had made it clear that there will be a strict monitoring of all places and services and any shop, company or group of people found flouting the social distancing norms will be punished in appropriate manner and relaxations will be withdrawn
Last Updated on June 1, 2020 by Staff Reporter