On Friday, the Maharashtra CMO tweeted guidelines for the celebration of Christmas 2021 in the wake of the Omicron threat.
As two of the biggest festivals of the year draw close, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray, released guidelines for the celebration of Christmas 2021.
Here is the Maharashtra government’s SOP for Christmas 2021:
- Only 50% of the total capacity to be allowed inside churches and social distancing norms to be followed
- Wearing of masks and sanitisation of the Church to be made compulsory
- Proper distance to be maintained from nativity scenes (cribs), Christmas trees and other decorations inside churches on Christmas
- The choir should have the least number of singers and separate mics to be made available.
- Setting up of stalls outside the premises of the church to be prohibited
- Gathering at public places or roads to be avoided.
- No religious processions or functions to be carried out.
- Firecrackers to be strictly avoided and rules pertaining to sound pollution to be diligently followed.
- Safety measures for covid-19, especially omicron, brought in place by all government and administration agencies to be followed without fail.
- All guidelines to be followed without fail and any new guidelines declared during the celebrations, should be followed as well without fail.
The CMO has also released a new set of restrictions and covid-19 protocols, that will come into effect from tonight.
Last Updated on December 24, 2021 by Staff Reporter