Well, needless to say, the first thing that you need to do in a democratic country as ours, is to vote.
Why? Because you matter and the choices every one of you make collectively, molds the world around you.
Vote because whoever gets chosen will impact your life in ways you may not think about.
Vote because even at a local level, the people you choose and the decisions they take will influence your daily lives in a very obvious manner.
Vote because if you don’t vote, you get a government and an administration that doesn’t represent you or relates to you in any manner.
Vote because if you don’t, nobody else will be responsible for how things turn out. Remember, you were not responsible enough to care for your own good and make it obvious.
Vote because you have the right to choose a government that will rule for the good of all and not just rule you.
Vote because that is the only chance you have to make a point.
Vote because action speaks louder than words.
Vote because you need to!
Don’t forget the date : The City Votes on 29th April, 2019
Come and show what you have in mind!
Last Updated on April 27, 2019 by Staff Reporter