The Coronavirus crisis will ease down eventually but it will take a long time for people to fully be in control
The Coronavirus has changed the world we used to know, adversely affecting world economies and the lives of people in a whole lot of ways. Right now, there are people around the world who are battling directly or indirectly with Covid-19, some losing their lives and some inspiring others in different ways. There are people who are away from their families, serving on the front lines, fighting it out for people like us who simply have a few things to take care of, like staying home, washing hands, social distancing etc.
We take a look at the most important hings that have been helping the world fight the Coronavirus in the absence of a vaccine. The world should not stop doing those things even after the lockdown gets lifted.
No one knows the exact behaviour of Coronavirus and if it will simply fade away so soon
Well, the fact is that we are not sure about how the virus will behave in the long term, post social distancing and lockdown period and it may still lurk around at potential hot-spots and affect vulnerable people, leading to another spike of infections.
So while the lockdown will be lifted in well planned phases, taking calculated risks, it is up to the people to tread with caution and take responsibility to keep living the risk free lives they have been living during the lockdown days.
You should not do the following things even after the Coronavirus lockdown eases of ends
You should not stop the hand-wash routine

There is a reason why washing your hands is top priority during the Coronavirus crisis. Washing your hands is a must after touching surfaces, things or people as it cuts down the possibility of you getting infected or spreading the virus further to other surfaces or people. This habit should not end even after the lockdown relaxes or end as the ending of the lockdown wouldn’t mean the ending of the virus.
The habit of washing your hands thoroughly for as long as possible will ensure that even the smallest possibility of the coronavirus spreading is cut short.
Stick to the routine for as long as you have water and soap in your homes and offices.
Don’t stop sanitizing your hands for as long as possible

Even before the Coronavirus crisis people had been using hand sanitizers for good to kill germs and now in present times, they are of utmost importance. You must be pretty aware of the benefits of using it and so we won’t drag the topic further. It is as useful and important as washing your hands thoroughly. As a matter of fact, it is the best option in a situation when you can’t wash your hands.
You should not stop using hand sanitizers when moving out, travelling to work etc. you will be touching many things touched by people without knowing if it is infected or not.
Keep hand sanitizers with you and keep using them as a habit for a few more months at least.
Don’t stop using face masks for your own good

While the use of face masks has been debated a lot, the truth is that using them is good for a whole lot of reasons. During present times, it is necessary to use face masks to cut down every chance of getting infected by the Coronavirus or spreading an infection further.
Even if the lockdown lifts up, don’t stop using face masks for some time as they will protect you from a lot of things apart from the Coronavirus – like the pollution and other infections.
Don’t get back to your party animal lives and horde clubs and restaurants

Before you hit the bars and restaurants like parched animals after a drought, remember one thing, the Coronavirus is not going anywhere but will still be around hunting for vulnerable people. You will have to be disciplined when the lockdown eases or lifts up completely. The idea of social distancing is a much needed one not just in present times but also in the coming months.
Gatherings madly at pubs, bars and restaurants will only increases the chances of spreading whatever remains of the Coronavirus further.
If it is celebration you want, then celebrate it with your families or at the most a friend or two at places that are not crowded.
Don’t forget the social distancing exercise immediately after the lockdown eases as we are not sure if Coronavirus will be gone for real.
Please don’t forget that the world can’t go back to the old partying, hugging and kissing ways so soon and if anyone tells you it can, they are lying.
Don’t visit Coronavirus hot-spots and come in close contact with vulnerable or quarantined people

There are Coronavirus hot-spots and quarantined people around us, even close friends and families. The one thing that people will want to do is visit these places for work or other reasons or to simply meet friends and families. While that thought cannot be turned down, there has to be some precautions in place when doing so.
Remember, the virus will still be around some places and the once infected might still be vulnerable to new infections. You would not like to be the carrier of the virus to such places and people or get infected yourself from.
Don’t stop maintaining distance and taking precautions when visiting such places or meeting old people or children, for the good of everyone.
Don’t travel for the sake of others, if not yours

Travelers beware! The lifting of flying restrictions should not mean reorganizing your travel itinerary once again. Remember, the world suffers with the Coronavirus crisis owing to international travel and as a traveler, you bear responsibility to ensure that a new surge of travel doesn’t bring in another surge of global infections.
Remember, air travel, train travel or bus travel cannot ensure social distancing at all and hence it once again puts people in a tricky situation.
To be frank, people without extreme emergencies should not travel at all and for the sake of others “get rid of your wanderlust’ for now and get busy with exploring yourself.
Don’t travel and give the Coronavirus another opportunity to reach out to more places and people than it did the first time.
Other things you should not forget and continue as a general healthy habit:
- Don’t cough or sneeze without covering you face
- Don’t touch your face before sanitizing your hands
Remember, the Coronavirus is here to stay and it is only through responsible ways that we can get back to the normal world it once was.
Last Updated on April 20, 2020 by Staff Reporter
1 comment
Actually COVID-19 days taught me many things, I never used to wash my hands after touching table tops, etc. But after the crisis started, I changed myself and yeah, the world should not stop doing those things even after the lockdown gets lifted….nice article!