The Muslim youth of Navi Mumbai is all set to observe the month of Ramadan which begins on Saturdy, 25 April, under lockdown and pledge to abide by the rules laid down by the government, as the Quaran too mentions following of similar rules during such a crisis

Navi Mumbai: The Coronavirus has hit all aspects of human life in different ways, driving people into their homes in fear, struggling to continue their daily activities under lockdown measures. While work and social life have been hit hardest, festivals have not been spared either and their very essence, of coming together in celebration, has been annulled this year at least. Earlier it was Easter and Navratri that were celebrated at homes and now it is Ramadan or Ramzan, which will be observed from Saturday, 25 April, during the lockdown.
While the authority and even Muslim clerics around the country have been requesting Muslims to obey the rules, the Muslim youth of Navi Mumbai has already decided to spend the month of Ramadan within their homes, connecting with the Almighty in a more personal manner than before.
We spoke to a few young Muslims of Navi Mumbai and here is what they had to say.

“These are very trying times for the world and we have to put our faith in the almighty. This year Ramadan will be observed during the lockdown and I intend to abide by the rules without budging at all,” shares Hazib Nazir, a Business Administration student.
“I have a simple schedule for Ramadan – wake up for ‘Sehri’, offer ‘Fajr’ namaz, read Quran and then sleep till ‘Zuhr’ namaz (afternoon). After that I’ll read the Quran again and take some rest till ‘Asr’ and then again I’ll read the Quran. I intend to finish one parah of the Quran in a day and so complete all 30 parahs in a month,” he adds.
Talking about the most talked about part of the Ramadan celebration – Iftari, Hazib shares, “We will be keeping it simple and easy and I will be helping my mom prepare iftari everyday till ‘Magrib’ and after we are done with iftari, I’ll take some rest till ‘Isha’ and later the ‘Taravi’ which is offered in the Masjid. This Ramadan however, we will be offering our namaz at home and not congregate at the masjid as directed by the government and also our religious peers. We have to take precautions for the wellbeing of everyone and not just ourselves. ”

“This year Ramadan has a different meaning altogether for all the Muslims as we will be confined to our homes,” shares Adnan, a BBA student.
“I’ll be at home throughout the Ramadan month, following the lockdown rules and offering namaz at home rather than going to the masjid. I have also requested my parents and friends to do the same and not visit or invite relatives and take unnecessary risks,” he adds.
Talking about buying fruits and groceries for the iftari, Adnan shares, “We will be ordering fruits and groceries online rather than going out to buy them and I would be making sure to make others aware of the risks of going out to the markets and overcrowding them. As a responsible Indian citizen, I would try my level best to make my friends and relatives aware of the dangers of coronavirus and how the chain can be broken by simply maintaining social distancing. As a matter of fact we would be stocking up necessary things in advance to avoid going out later to buy anything. To connect with friends and relatives, we will make use of various video calling apps. ”

“This Ramadan I’ve decided to stay home and make this quaranteen a beneficial time to upgrade my ‘Deen’ to maintain that ‘Deeb-Duniya’ ratio, shares Mehwish Desai, a Commerce student.
“I’ve decided to stay home and learn about the 30 paras of the Quran with translation for 30 days,” she adds.
Mehwish intends to keep it simple – stay home, pray, connect with the almighty and share the vibes with her family, all being together during this Ramadan.

“Ramadan tests the mind and the body, teaching people to control their urges and focus on the divine. This year, it is going to be very different not just for me but for all who observe the holy month,” shares Nausheen Palawkar, an Optometry student.
“Unlike every year when we devote time to the almighty, socialize with friend and relatives, we would be spending the entire month at home with the lockdown in progress.” she adds.
On asked whether being at home during the lockdown was a forced decision, she shares, “Not at all! It is for the good of everyone and we will be doing it willingly. We can’t even think of going out during the pandemic and risk the lives of many, including ours. As a matter of fact, I will be offering namaz and praying throughout the day at home with my family.”
When we asked if the lockdown changed the essence of Ramadan, she explained, “Ramadan is not just about fasting but about devoting our undivided attention to the almighty and also helping those in need. In the current scenario, the biggest help for people around us would be to stay home ourselves. Nothing about the Ramadan will change with the lockdown – the fasts will go as usual and the namaz will also be offered like always, even better, as we will be at home without any disturbance.”
On Ramadan delicacies and iftari, she said, “This Ramadan we will be sitting together as a family and breaking our fasts, something that couldn’t have been possible earlier due to our busy study and work schedules. This is one positive side of the lockdown – it has brought families together!”
Talking about prayers and what they would be praying most apart from being thankful for everything, she shared, “We believe that fasting prayers are heard before the rest and we will be praying for the Covid-19 crisis to end. I am sure millions of my Muslim brothers and sisters will be praying for the same this Ramadan.”
She concluded with “This year Ramadan will be a family affair when all will be fasting and praying to the almighty together. Though amid crisis, that is a wonderful thing in itself.”
We spoke with a lot more and though we could not put all their quotes together, they all resonated with the ones we did. They all had to say the same things proving their devotion to the Holy month of Ramadan and also a shared sense of responsibility towards the people!
What will change this Ramadan?
Congregating at the Masjids
Inviting friends and relatives over, or visiting them for iftari
Going out and overcrowding the markets for buying food stuff
What won’t change this Ramadan?
The fasting
The offering of Namaz
Iftaris with families
Helping others
Connecting with the Almighty
Last Updated on May 1, 2021 by Staff Reporter